I found myself climbing a stair case, then a little steps further ahead of  me, I saw a lady sitting on the stairs but leaning  on the wall by her  side. She seemed  to be in much sorrows although not physically expressed but emotionally seen.  As I drew closer to her, I grasped the fact that she indeed needed a spiritual Healing. I sympathetically drew  closer to inquire about  her statutes, and I asked her the following question, “Are you sick?”  and she answered me affirmatively that she needed both Spiritual and physical healing.
 I look at her again and the Spirit of God presented to me her case. She was a young lady and had just lost her virginity, conceived and had unexpected pregnancy ,so there she was, filled  with stream of consciousness, in a great dilemma, whether to abort her baby or not, how she would face the society their after keeping the baby, how would she face parents  and how will she take care of the baby yet she wasn’t ready for parenting? And so I told her by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to rise up and follow me. As we moved on, a gentle man came across us and joined our company. After finding a bench to sit on, I begun to minister to her by the inspiration  of the Holy Spirit about the heart of the Lord and what the Lord Required her to do. 
The Spirit made me  tell her that it was important to consider the fear of God in each and every decision she would make. And the Holy Spirit led me to tell her not to fear the scoffing of the enemy the Rebel, the accuser of the  brethren. The Holy Spirit also made it clear that there was instant justification of sin on a humbled and a repentant heart. And that one should not fear human beings but God, for He is the only one who have infinite power. The  Spirit relayed it out plainly that abortion  IS  SIN, and that where were consequence to face. 
He also made us know how joyous it was to suffer  for doing the right  thing . He gave us 1 Peter 3:13-15  "And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good? even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. “And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.”  But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear," Then The Spirit of God said that  the Lord watches over righteous and listens to their  prayers but, opposed those who are evil. It was indeed a remarkable counsel of the Holy Spirit, I felt the joy in my heart and the lady’s  face also beamed with  Joy. 
As the long discussion progressed, it came to my realization that this gentleman who rather seemed to be a witness  and had been listening all along was called King David  in the dream. The dream ended. I have nothing to add, The Lord Have Spoken.

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