We are living in such a time when mankind is growing
increasingly ungodly and the society
is becoming so much revolutionized;
advanced technology , post-modern entertainment
industry which evidentially glorify the mysterious and exhilarating lifestyle of the
rebel-his defiant and witty, violent and sexual, rich and playful, Utterly
godlessness, not forgetting the
adverts of half –dressed celebrities ,
parading the sin of an independent
immoral life style to arouse lust
and discontentment, and a
grievous therapeutic confusion eating
across our society. The world continues to grow darker and darker
and colder; a simple reminder of the pre-floods Spiritual state of the world in
the days of Noah. This our last generation, have awarded and rebelled
against obedience to God’s words , Apostle Paul brings this
fact about The Character of Men in the Last Days “ This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,
blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural
affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of
those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more
than lovers of God ; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof
: from such turn away.”
2 Timothy 3:1-5.
Leaving all that to take care of itself, the Rebel have disguised
himself as an angel of light and carried
with himself all the world’s system of
sin into the church. Sin and rebellion, have taken the world captive, the world
is dying. A savior is needed and the savior is The Lord Jesus Christ who gave
Himself freely, and paid the price in
full for the redemption of those who truly believe in Him. He is the only hope.
Enoch is in sense, a picture of the
bride of Christ. Enoch “walked with God for three hundred years” Genesis 5:22-24,and then
He was translated without testing death.
In other words ,he was no more, meaning he was taken to be with God. “Enoch
walked with God,” Genesis 5:24. In essence, the original Hebrew meaning
of the word walked implies that Enoch established himself
in a sense of God’s presences by
continually conversing with Him. Enoch
went up and down, to and fro, in and
out, arm in arm with God, continually
conversing with Him and growing closer to Him each and every new day. In the midst of the wicked generation, Enoch learnt how to live
pleasingly to the Father. He was no more than an ordinary man with the same
problems and tribulations we face today,
but we are told that he walked with God
for three hundred years. Despite the horrible sinful world he was in, Enoch
made three hundred years faithfully, this is remarkable.
Enoch was a man of faith, “it was faith that kept Enoch from
dying, instead he was taken to God , and
nobody could find him, because
God had taken him up, he had pleased
God,” (Hebrew 11:5) Nobody can please
God without faith, for whoever
comes to God must have faith that HE IS and exists and that He rewards
those who seek Him. Faith is the Language of eternity and without it, it
is impossible to please God and to be
His company. Enoch believed in the true God, and that pleased the true God. As a true believer, it
is always important to obey the still small voice in our hearts for if we defy
the Holy Spirit he abuse Him and we reduce our chances of being saved. If we
could check all throughout history of the bible, those who walked closely with
God became men and women of deep faith.
Enoch’s generation was
growing increasingly wicked, but as for Enoch, like the remnant, was not of this world. (John 15:18-19) In his
Spirit and his conscience, Enoch was not a part of that wicked generation. Each
day as he walked with the Lord, he
became less and less attached to the things below and without question, He died
daily to this earthly life. He courage
in God’s presence, because he was sure that God hears him whenever he asked God
anything that is according to His will and plan. ( 1 John 5:14)
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