On 8th September,2014  at 12:25am The Ancient of days took me to a place and in that place i could see so so many people. I then saw these people form a line, it seemed to me as if they were scrambling for the   line.  As we made the line, i could see people being  confirmed on the check list  in the front desk. By the side of the desk i could see some people whose names were not registered in the book.  As the names were being confirmed i could see people being given entry cards. It is as if after being cleared, you were being given a special universal  card to allow you to attend a ceremony like a wedding or party. It caught my attention on how people scrambling in the line, i could see some people fall back, others pushed  aside and thrown out of the line.
After that dream, the Lord imparted in my heart the the event  that was about to befall the earth was the Rapture and that the event  was the wedding supper of the Lamb of God. See marriage supper of the Lamb in accordance with the Jewish culture. He also made me know that made know that many people will strive to enter through the narrow door but only few will make it. He also made me know that the special universal card card was the mighty Holy Spirit  and The Precious Blood of The Lamb of God. Salvation only come through the precious blood of Jesus Christ without defect. This communication from the Lord generally points out to the closeness of the Time to the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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