The Lord just brought to my attention one of the urgent messages to His Church at this hour of great need and urgency of preparedness, even before the advent of the Messiah in the rapture of the Church. In that dream, i found myself before the throne, the i heard Him who sat on the throne call unto His precious beloved Son who was by His side. He then gave Him a command to come and Rescue the bride. I felt heart broken, i felt I had not done enough, my heart was in deep sorrow as i knew the condition of the earth and that of my heart. I felt like going down on my knees and pleading to be given more time. I saw the Son literally set off and that's when i woke up. I felt the urgency and great need unto which the Lord had Spoken. It is only through Holiness by Grace that one could escape this event. Surely nobody, deserved this great love. No body was worthy to inherit the Kingdom of God. Through blood of the Lamb and old rugged Cross at Calvary, Christ being lifted up drew us to Himself by His Grace and we became heirs to the Kingdom of God. Even though there was a change in the dispensation from the law to the Grace, the Holiness of Jehovah God never Changed. This what it says in Hebrew 12:4, " Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord."


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