I saw so many Muslims come together to worship, and I saw a strong persecution of Christians. I saw a man, he rose to be the leader of the Islamic people and help them in persecuting the Christians. And in the dream I longed to clear this man of sin, He was being worshiped with a huge population  and people, so many people were following him. I took a gun and shot him at the forehead but he didn’t go down just like the scriptures says that he won’t be killed by any human hand but by Christ alone.
“And in the latter time of their kingdom, When the transgressors have reached their fullness,
A king shall arise, Having fierce features, Who understands sinister schemes. His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; He shall destroy fearfully, And shall prosper and thrive; He shall destroy the mighty, and also the holy people. “Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; And he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; But he shall be broken without human means “And the vision of the evenings and mornings Which was told is true; Therefore seal up the vision, For it refers to many days in the future.” Daniel 8:23-26 
The persecution grew strong  and I saw the Lord call up some of his chosen  servants into heaven  and I saw them being caught up into heaven and the entry point sealed up with a beautiful rain bow like glory.
Then I found myself  in a place in the sky and there was a beautiful song, I can’t remember the exact  words but only a single part that the Holy  Spirit made live in my Spirit.  The words I heard were,
 “ Our Christ lives and He will live for all eternity,” It was giving glory to God and I woke up. End
We are living in a very critical moment, at the very brink of the rapture and the nations are raging, the enemy is furious, the time is over.
The antichrist is about to be revealed to the world, the world loves him now.
 Tremendous activity is  going on now, and the bride of Christ is now finally being  prepared to meet the bridegroom.

Prepare the way in absolute holiness and righteousness.

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