
Showing posts from September, 2014


BORN OF GOD  When you were physically born in this world, you were born of your parents and into the world. So you were of the world, born of the world and to the world, in a sinful nature of which you couldn’t do anything about, under ruling spirit of this world. This type of birth is the one in which most people are familiar with, mostly the unbelievers. A man named Nicodemus was of great significance, he wrestled the thought down asked Jesus, “How can a man be born again when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born again?” john3 :3, 4. He was an intellectual, educated man with greater understanding, an Israeli   teacher yet baffled for how could it be possible for a man,   a well developed grown man be born again.   “Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, very I say unto you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.   … I tell you the truth; no one can enter the kingdom of God unl...


On 8th September,2014   at 12:25am The Ancient of days took me to a place and in that place i could see so so many people. I then saw these people form a line, it seemed to me as if they were scrambling for the    line.   As we made the line, i could see people being   confirmed on the check list   in the front desk. By the side of the desk i could see some people whose names were not registered in the book.   As the names were being confirmed i could see people being given entry cards. It is as if after being cleared, you were being given a special universal   card to allow you to attend a ceremony like a wedding or party. It caught my attention on how people scrambling in the line, i could see some people fall back, others pushed   aside and thrown out of the line. After that dream, the Lord imparted in my heart the the event   that was about to befall the earth was the Rapture and that the event   was the wedding supper of...


Should Christians worship the Lord on the Sabbath day, that is, Saturday? The answer to this controversial question is absolutely yes! I am persuaded that the Christian should worship not only on the Sabbath day, but on everyday! Why, then, do some say that our assembling together should be on the Sabbath day, (Saturday), and that those churches who assemble together on Sunday violate God's word? The argument they give is in keeping the Sabbath day, Saturday, they're keeping the fourth commandment which states, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (Exodus 20:8)." Are we violating this commandment because we worship on Sunday? Have we, as some go so far as to suggest, taken "the mark of the beast" by meeting together on the first day of the week? Let's look at the issue in the light of God's Word! Why was the Sabbath day given? ...


The Lord just brought to my attention one of the urgent messages to His Church at this hour of great need and urgency of preparedness, even before the advent of the Messiah in the rapture of the Church. In that dream, i found myself before the throne, the i heard Him who sat on the throne call unto His precious beloved Son who was by His side. He then gave Him a command to come and Rescue the bride. I felt heart broken, i felt I had not done enough, my heart was in deep sorrow as i knew the condition of the earth and that of my heart. I felt like going down on my knees and pleading to be given more time. I saw the Son literally set off and that's when i woke up. I felt the urgency and great need unto which the Lord had Spoken. It is only through Holiness by Grace that one could escape this event. Surely nobody, deserved this great love. No body was worthy to inherit the Kingdom of God. Through blood of the Lamb and old rugged Cross at Calvary, Christ being lifted up drew us t...


THE LAW AND THE BLOOD I am adamant again this time to note that even though we are appointed to work in the fields, tending and caring for the Father's vine yard, it is sifting to see who will be a vessel of honour; Worthy to be hired in the great harvest. Those worthy can only be those who preach about the cross and sufficiency of the blood of Christ as it is, and it alone is the power unto salvation and redemption.Our fellowship shall not hold together in love if we return to the law. The ONLY WAY we will be able to maintain a unity of spirit in love and humbleness is to continue to be conscious of the sufficiency of the cross and our VERY NEED FOR IT EVERYDAY. If we fail in this, then we will be pawns of the enemy to return to the law and be used to bring bondage to the multitudes that are already oppressed rather than bring salvation and freedom as was our commission to do. We were to minister what we have received and we have received salvation by grace yet we are swayed ...


Late during the day I had a short nap through which the Lord spoke to me about His soon return. I saw the defiled garment of the Church. I saw darkness befall the Church. Through the series of communication we have been given warning about that great day of the rapture. Embrace holiness.


THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH. The verse Habakkuk 2:4: The just shall live by faith, is of great significant to the Church. The just shall live by faith. 'The just?’ you say. ‘There’s the problem. I’m not just.’ That’s the whole premise of the Book of Romans. Who is just? Who is righteous? Is it the one who’s keeping rules and regulations — beating his body, laying outside when it’s freezing, fasting, confessing, praying, studying? Is that who ‘the just’ is? Paul answers that question. 'As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.' Romans 3:10-11, 27-28 Paul says, ‘No one does good. None really seeks after God. People might try and impress you with their piety, they might flaunt their spirituality — but it’s not...