Purpose is;  The original reason of existence of something

The original intention that was in the mind of the manufacturer that motivated him to produce a certain product

The reason for your birth. You have no reason to celebrate your birthday if you don’t know your purpose. 

You cannot start a journey and you don’t know the destination. Your understanding of purpose is key to an outstanding life. 

What was in the mind of the manufacturer of pens, microphones, books, television etc ? if you can find out what was in their minds then you have discovered their purpose.

Before God created me and you, he saw a need, a gap and a problem on the ground. Meaning you were created to fill this gap and be a solution to that problem.

Ask yourself these questions; 

What was in the mind of God before creating you?

What did he want to be achieved through your life?

If you get answers to these questions, then that’s your purpose.

Purpose is the value you are in earth to add or create and the difference you have to make.

You were born in a time like this not to MARK TIME but to make a MARK


1. You won’t be a victim of competition and comparison. Purpose shows you the uniqueness and distinctiveness you were born to bring to your world. The moon was never created to shine but to reflect light from the sun. So, what if the moon starts competing with the sun to shine, it will automatically loose its glory. That’s what happens when we compare ourselves to others, we lose our uniqueness.

2. Purpose will choose for your company. Your occupation will influence your association. Proverbs 13:20; “he who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed. 

You don’t need everybody to succeed, you just need the right people. Different travelers have different destinations different from yours. Your association with them will only cause your limitation. It is birds of the same feathers that flock together.

3. Operation in purpose is key to fulfilment and satisfaction. You will never experience total fulfillment until you are executing the purpose for which you were born. A seed will fulfill its purpose only if it becomes a tree, same to a pen, it fulfills it purpose when its used for writing.

Total fulfilment comes comes from impact; the lives you are touching, the difference and the change you are making in your generation.  

4. Where purpose is not known, life is wasted. Time, energy and resources could be poured in the wrong things. Purpose helps us to direct life energy, time and resources to what really matters in life. 

Purpose is a source of priorities, without purpose, we won’t have a priority thus people will be busy on the wrong things. Busyness with no effectiveness. 1st Kings 20:39-40


Your purpose is not your decision. 

A product cannot design its purpose, on the manufacturer does. Your destiny is not your decision your ambition; it is your discovery. You only discover when you do research. Searching the mind of God will make you realize your purpose. No one understands man so well like God. If you really want to have firsthand information about your destiny, connect with God. 


 Heavenly Vision through prayer of Enquiry.

Moses received his life assignment directly from God during the burning bush encounter in Exodus 3

God showed Joseph what he would become by revelation through dreams.

Paul the apostle had an encounter with Jesus in Acts 9.

God is still speaking to people today and revealing his plans, purpose and agendas.

However, until you ask questions, you are not qualified for answers

Jeremiah 33:3

Go to God in prayer and ask questions like; 

  Why was I created?

  What am I here to do?

  What do you want me to do with my life?

Praying with desperation is key to heavenly wisdom, vision and revelation. God is your creator, He knows.

Your passion has a clue to your purpose

Incase you have not heard anything from heaven yet regarding what God wants you to do with life, please check your passion.

Find out what you truly love and build your daily agenda around it. 

What you think about always. 

What you talk about most time

What you love doing always

There is a also a connection between your anger {holy hatred} and your assignment.

What you genuinely hate is a signpost of what you were created to solve.

What makes you weep is a signpost to the thing you were created to heal

What makes you cry sometimes is the problem God created you to solve

The problem you crave to solve is the problem you were created to solve.

Ask yourself; 

What saddens you

What grieves you

What moves you to tears

What turns you on

Pay attention to it, it could the a pointer to the reason you were born.


Potential refers to the things you are capable of doing but have not started doing.

It refers to natural ability, gift, hidden talents and untapped strength

You will be shocked when you come to understand who you really are. Moses had a rod that could bury his enemies, but wasn’t aware until God showed him the potential of what he was carrying. 

At creation, things were deposited in you, to make you a profitable citizen of the earth. 

Matthew 25; 14-18

One thing to only know whether you are doing what you are suited for is found in 1st John 5:3




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