
Showing posts from January, 2015


Very sad, He spoke to me   again about   the danger of being left behind.   I saw the Lord’s   Judgment   coming to the earth I saw Him come to judge the earth.   He is indeed coming   to shake those who will be left behind. Please pray and turn away from Sin. Time is absolutely over. I saw people unprepared, I saw Him moving across the earth in a very   furious storm I saw myself   entering my house   and shutting myself in the house. I was closing every ventilation for what was coming from the east was unbearable.   He was indeed riding on those clouds. Please repent and turn   away from sin, the next minute may be too late. Isaiah 30:30 And the LORD shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and shall shew the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger, and with the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, and tempest, and hailstones. Isaiah 26:20 Go, my people, enter your rooms and...

The Rapture is very near

This is the continuation of yesterday vision.        WARNING TO AMERICA CHURCH The Lord said : write to the church in America : I have die for you and I have laid down my life for you, but you have rejected my true holiness, I have just few among you that are ready for my coming. I am sending my son to you to warn, prepared for my coming, I am God that is holy but you are not holy before me, you are teaching my people false doctrine, you must be sanctify, you must be sanctify and meet my standard, I have seen seven fault in you that will not allow you to go with me. 1. The spirit of divorce : for you have not count it as sin to divorce, but I The Lord hate divorce. Malachi 2:16. 2. Pride : you twist my holy word to justify your ungodliness . 3. Cares of life : you care for temporal thing but refuse to care about your spiritual life. 4. Worldliness : you must dress holy, you must speak holy, you must only go to holy place, but you don't do that, you still go...

The Rapture is very near.

By God's Grace a brother from a far country sent me this testimony and i promised  to share it here for the growth and edification of the Church. This is the first part of the testimony. TOPIC : TODAY 20/1/2015 VISION AND WARNING TO THE BRIDE. Early in the morning today in vision, i found my self flying in the realm of the spirit, it was such a beautiful spiritual experience, but suddenly i found my self in the midst of the saint in heaven, they were all dressed with a very beautiful garment and full with the glory of God. but they were crying but the lord was comforting them for all the prophecy spoken by the prophets must come to pass. But this is what the Lord said : MY SON I HAVE CHOSEN YOU TO WARNED THE WORLD ABOUT MY COMING, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGE IF THEY REJECTED YOUR WORD, TRULY I HAVE SEEN THE CONDITION OF MY CHURCH AND I HAVE SEEN DEFILEMENT IN MY CHURCH, THEY ARE NOT PREPARED FOR ME AND THEY ARE NOT LOOKING FOR MY COMING AGAIN ''TELL THEM I WILL NOT TARRY AGAI...


Business in the House Of God What has become of the Church? Where is the Holiness of God? What is wrong with the Pentecost? Why money in the Church?   What does the bible really say about money? Buying and selling is not bad. When it comes to God’s sanctuary, then buying and selling is and should be least expected. Why do people sell and buy the anointing of the Holy Spirit, how could this really be possible. Who can buy from God? This act of blatant buying and selling in the House of Jehovah God has led to great fall in the Church of Christ.   It has given a way to materialism and prosperity in the house of the Lord. The Father is not in any way pleased with this blatant preaching of Money in His house. The House of God is a house of prayer not a selling and buying ground. See what Jesus did when He found out that His father’s house was turned into a business premise. The fact is even worse that He found them selling “doves” a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit can...


If you truly want to know whether   you are filled with Holy Spirit, then check on the fruits   such kind of , love, peace, longsuffering, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control of which there is no law. Don’t be confused here,   you must   bear the good fruits. Following after gifts of the Holy Spirit can sometimes be misleading. People especially newly converts are so much concerned with the gifts of the spirit than the fruits of the Spirit. If this be your case, then Listen to the heart of the Lord today. He wants you to fall in love with Him not His power. Yes, seeking to bare the fruits of the Spirit is more important for there is no room for false   snares of the evil one. Check on Abraham. The test on Abraham was whether he loved the blessing than the giver.   When the Power of the Spirit comes down, then He comes with the fruits.   If you are so much concerned with the fruits, then you can easily discern false   ...