BORN OF GOD part b by Bro. Emmanuel Samsonejude


Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.(1 john 3:9). It is very important for you to understand this topic, because we are in the time that many always claim to be born again and yet you see them waging against the word of God, their character and behavior , their way of talking always put shame to the name of Christ. What do I mean by saying Born of God ? Now in the genesis of man, God created man in his own image, the image the bible is talking about is not only beauty of man, but it mean God created man with his character, with his power, with his behavior , with his holiness, with his love e.t.c To be born of God now mean, to come out of the body of God, and to have the character of God. E.g when we give birth to a baby, no matter how the baby will resemble wether the father or the mother, even in behavior, in character, in the way of walking sometimes. Then when a man is born of God such a person will have the characteristic of God. In the book of john 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Now see verse 5
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. There is different to see the kingdom of a God and to enter it, so when you are born of the water and of the spirit then it make you Born of God. Truly in the genesis of the world men are created with the nature of God. But the lost of the real image of God occurs due to the falling if the first man. That very day that the first man fell and lost the nature of a God, since that day, it pleases the flesh to hurt our fellow human being, that was what led Cain to killed Abel. It look beautiful before the flesh to fornicate, and since that day, the nature of the devil was transfer into the life of man, and the desire of man are always against the desire of God. Romans 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But thank God for Jesus Christ who came to restore the nature of God back into our life through his death on the cross of Calvary, and unto them that believed and accept him as lord and personal savior, he gave them power to become the children of God. Rom 8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because
of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from
the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Now is it possible to live without committing a sin ? Yes it is very possible yo live without committing all the sin that you have discover e.g lying, adultery, fornication, fighting, malice, e.t.c but if you see your self committing all the sin that
you have discover, there is a power behind it, because whosoever that is born of God have power to live a righteous life through the grace of Jesus Christ given unto all that believed in his name, because unto them that believed in his name He gave power to become the children of God I.e he gave them power to be born of God. Now what are the characteristics of God that somebody that is born of God must have :
1. LOVE : love is one of the greatest nature of God, which a CHRISTIAN must not only profess but to posses as well . God is love and through his love he gave us his only begotten son, and greater love is this that a man should laud down his life for his friend, and through this we obtain everlasting life unto all that believed and accept his death.(John 3:16). Now do you have this pure love in your life ? Love is not jealous especially when you are aware that others are being noticed more than you. Love does not participate in rivalry I.e competition, contention, when you are saying I must be noticeable than him,I must be recognize than him, that is not a love because love doesn't involve in rivalry , instead in works got the welfare and good of the others. You have to check your life if you have this nature if a God in your life because if you don't have it you can't go with the lamb of God when he shall appeared to take his holy people away. Love do edit not flaunt itself boastfully and does not aroused or incited to outbursts anger. Love foes not try to acquire gain for itself, love continues faithfully and gently to train others in righteousness even when they fail. Even when fact prove that the other person is untrustworthy, love seek to help restore the other to trustworthiness. Love is a command to all believers, is a command to every children of God, love is an act of will and not emotion. Love will never be happy when he see others lacking, but he does his best to provide for the need of others. Love does not have ungodly motives, do you help people so that people might praise you ? Do you fo things for men to hail you or because it is God command ? Any one that is born of God will really have the great nature if God in his life. This is the will if God that we should love one another, not only in words but in practices.
2. PEACE : peace is one of the powerful nature of Christ Jesus, that is why he is called "THE PRINCE OF PEACE" and the majesty of His kingdom and his reign was built on eternal peace, because He is the God of peace and he prepared a place of peace for us. Matthew 6:19-20). It is on earth we experience thief breaking our houses, and it is in on earth that we experience all manner of painful thing, shedding of tears, wailing and lamenting, but the majesty of the kingdom of the prince of peace is that, there is no thief there, no weeping, no lost of life, because the foundation of the kingdom of God is peace. Then my question is that as a CHRISTIAN that preach or believed the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, are you living a peaceful life ? Can you be bold to declare that there is nothing like trouble in your life ? We shall know as we continue in our study , because this topic is for everybody
including my self, I only have to amend all my ways concerning peace and you yourself must do, because only those who are born of a God are heavenly candidate.
The Lord command us to follow peace with all men, not only with our fellow christian, but follow peace with all men, wether the person accept your message or not, wether born again or born of devil whatever you may call it, but follow peace with all men, by your doing so, people will be able to see the beauty of the prince of peace in your life, and through that many will be saved. Hebrew 12:14.
Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business, study to be quiet, seek earnestly to be peaceful, make it your ambition to live a peaceful life.
The kind of of peace that qualify one to go with the rapture, is very scarce in believers life, that is why Christ is crying daily. What are the kind of peace that is scarce in believer life ?
1. Blessed them that persecute you, pray for those who oppress you and cause you to suffer. How
many of you will accept this ? I know many of you will even abuse me when you see this, but the
word of God stand forever.
2. Rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep : this is not talking about to
involve your self in sinful celebration, any ceremony
or celebration that you knew that they will take beer or alcohol never go there because that is not
what the bible is saying. Any celebration that you will go that you know that no matter what they will play worldly music never go there, because it turn you to the enemy of the kingdom of peace. Any birth day celebration that you know they will dance for the devil never go there. Never involve your self in worldly club e.g a herbalist man died in your family and they are chosen cloth to buy, if you do such or the rapture meet you with that cloth on your body you are going no where I tell you the truth today, a herbalist man that is burning In hell and you too now join people to rejoice together over the death of a sinner, you can not go with rapture except you repent, go and burn all those cloth. Never involve your self in buying cloth for traditional celebration like idol or any thing that never glorify God.
3. Never have any thing against any body in your heart: although you talk with the person and even greeted him but yet you are not In peace with the person in your heart. This make you born of flesh and not of God.
4. Never render evil for evil : e.g you greeted somebody and he never answer you, although you greeted him often and often but yet he didn't answer you and because of that, you too you stop greeting him, then you have Allow evil to overcome you, overcome evil with good, continue greeting the person till you die, that is what Christ Expect from you.
5. Provide things honest in the sight of all men : this is mostly talking about travelers, student, and businessmen . Hope the age you carry travel is your real age ?
Are you honest with your age ? You even went to swear in court with false age ? The document you are carrying about I hope is a true document and there is no lying in it ? Student the result you are carrying about, hope is really from your effort and there is no lie in it ? If so repent and make restitution because all this shall stand against you. Remember that you can deceived men but not the living God. For marketer and businessmen or women, do you sell quality materials ? Hope you don't sell things that are fake in the name of original ? Remember that after your departure on earth you are not going to give report to any man but for God, if for man it would have be better but you are going to give report to him that have the flaming eyes. Hope you don't do over profit ? Remember your life is temporal on earth, repent from this end be converted.
6. Never avenge : if your enemy hunger feed him and if he thirst give him water to drink, by so doing you heap coal of fire on his head. Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Peace is very important in the life of the children of a God, and if it is missing , no matter your anointing or calling just forget about heaven. To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. And let every body say "AMEN'
3. JOY : God himself is joy because if God does not rejoiced, there is no need for angel to praise him. Joy is an important nature that a CHRISTIAN most posses because the bible tells us to rejoice in The Lord and to be joyful always, although not in din or filthiness, but in holiness and obedient to Gods word.
Somebody that is born of God does not rejoice when he see others falling out of the way. It is very important for a CHRISTIAN to rejoiced in trials and persecution, to rejoice and be joyful, because it is joy that strengthen a christian to defeat the devil, he that always cry shedding tears in trials will always be conquered by devil, when you found your self in problem rejoice. There is evil joy : to be joyful because you finally sleep with a girl you have been looking for. To be joyful because that man that hate you die, to be joyful because the man that was accusing you had an accident, to be joyful because somebody loose his job, to be joyful because they sack somebody from his working place, all this are evil joy, and if any CHRISTIAN have any habit like this or similar to this, such a person can not inherit the kingdom of God. A christian does not joyful because of earthly gain but because of heavenly gain. Rejoicing in evangelism, in praying, in helping Gods work, not saying am I the only one ? Then pride
enter you which would make you to loose your reward in heaven. But do everything with a joyful heart.
4. FAITHFULNESS : everything God does, he do it
faithfully, and all his promise always come to pass. He can not lie. Are you too faithful in your work , evangelism, in studying the bible, in your school, in your family, in your marriage, in your business, are you faithful ? If you lack this nature of God, you won't hear the sound of the trumpet.
5. LONGSUFFERING : since the beginning if the world, God has been operating with his longsuffering, this is one of the powerful nature of God, that was what led to the coming if Jesus Christ to laid down his life for us as a ransom for the sin of the world,because he does not wish that any should perish but that all should have everlasting life in the kingdom of God. 2 peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God has patiently bearing the wickedness of humanity because he does not want any one to perish but for all to repent , but soon he will unhold his wrath upon the world. This nature must be found in the life every believer, he that lack this will miss heaven. Because he that
does not have this will easily give up to heed to the temptation of the devil. A longsuffering person does not immediately retaliate or punish because he will patiently forbear and this associated with mercy. 1 Peter 3:20
Which sometime were disobedient, when once the
longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is,
eight souls were saved by water. Till the ark of Noah was built, a God was patiently waiting for humanity if they will be saved, yet only 8 people were saved, but humanity abuse and ignore the longsuffering of God that he have towards them. Longsuffering also associated with hope : 1 thess 1:3 Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;. Longsuffering does not give up in trials. Where have you given up in your walk with The
Lord ? If you easily give up to sin against God, then you lack longsuffering in your life. A YOU MUST BE BORN OF GOD
By Emmanuel Samsonjude


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