
Showing posts from November, 2014


Here are some hearty  puritans prayers that the true bride of  Christ should pray through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Puritan Prayers Confession and Petition | Consecration and Worship Contentment | The Deeps | Devotion | Divine Support Evening Praise | Evening Prayer | Evening Renewal Grace Active | Heart Corruptions | In Prayer Longings after God | Meeting God | Morning Morning Dedication | Morning Needs | Openness Purification | Refuge | Resting in God | Spiritual Helps The Valley of Vision Confession and Petition Holy Lord, I have sinned times without number, and been guilty of pride and unbelief, of failure to find Thy mind in Thy Word, of neglect to seek Thee in my daily life. My transgressions and short-comings present me with a lis...

~Time is Short ~

~Time is Short ~ Again in a dream the Lord has spoken to me again. In the dream I received a text message from a friend and in the text He wrote to me the following, " Good morning my precious Brother, God's timing is too short. It was 11.58pm and now it is 11.59 pm which means that the midnight hour is about to strike and that we are living in the time of grace. The message continued that one cannot enter heaven with worldly life or with the lifestyle of the celebrities." May those who have ears to get this, we are in the early morning ours and the good Samaritan is coming back after two days, time is over, the Messiah is coming. God's time is much more different from ours. To the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. we are living in the dispensation of Grace. God...