An Image is a visual representation of an object. It is the likeness of something. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you will see an image of yourself. The image is the likeness of the object which is you. The image has nothing more/extra or less than what you have. This exactly means that the Image and the object are the same. Let's try and figure this out in the life of a Christian. I'll use myself as an example, before I got born again, I was living a different life. I was living a life of oppression. I was living in anger and bitterness. My life then wasn't pleasing to God. In this case, my life was an image/ clear indication of the kingdom I was operating in then. But when I got born again, my old man and his deeds were put off and I became a new man. With time, I was renewed in knowledge and I became an image of Him who brought me out of darkness into His marvellous Light (Jesus Christ). This is exactly what happens when one gets born again, the old self fades...