Vision of the desolate and empty House of the Lord at this hour ~ (21/4/2016) Psalms 74

The Holy Spirit took me in a vision to see the Church that is waiting for the coming Messiah. As I walked into the Church, I could see so many empty seats, three quarter of the seats in the Church were empty. I saw lazy people among the few front seats and they seemed to be extremely drowsing and some had already fallen into deep sleeping, the worst part is that I saw even politicians getting into the house of the Lord and calling out the few remnants who sitting there in the pew (meaning that even the few remaining are joining politics and are entangled with the affairs of this life), so the Church remained literally empty as some of these few remnants walked out. And the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, " This people take Jesus for granted and this Church must face judgement." and I woke If the Church of Christ is in such desolation at this hour and is taking Jesus' and His word for granted, who then will attend the wedding feast of the Lamb?...