
Showing posts from 2015


What do you do when your mind is there but your heart isn’t ? What do you do when you know what sin is, you know what is right you know what is wrong. You know what you need to be doing vs what you don’t need to be doing. And your mind knows but your heart isn’t there yet? So you don’t feel remorse over your sin even though you know something is sin? Are you with me on this? Like what do you do when there is a gap between your head and your heart? Throughout the scriptures there is this phrase. “WAIT ON THE LORD” Waiting on the Lord isn’t pleasant at all in fact in one of the gut-wrenching psalms, psalms 42 David is literally in a fight with himself , He creams WHY ART THOU CAST DOWN, O MY SOUL ? AND WHY ART THOU DISQUIETED IN ME ? HOPE THOU IN GOD : FOR I SHALL YET PRAISE HIM FOR THE HELP OF HIS COUNTENANCE. O MY GOD, MY SOUL IS CAST DOWN WITHIN ME : THEREFORE WILL I REMEMBER THEE FROM THE LAND OF JORDAN, AND OF THE HERMONITES, FROM THE HILL MIZAR. DEEP CALLETH UNTO...

Word on secret closet

I had great desire to do something tangible for the Lord. So I was set to go out on a mission for several weeks to preach in the villages and that’s when He spoke to me clearly. He said, Habert, I have something precious for you, something that I really desire for you; SECRET CLOSET. Seek me, search for my presence. If you want to be for me you must learn to be with me. Preaching, missions, evangelism, pulpits and all that the hearts of men really desire without unction, seek my presence and go with my presence for there is fire before my presence. My church is full of pastors, players, much fashion, many authors, ushers and organizers. But among this many, many, many, there are a few who understands the secret closet, only a few understands the meaning of sackcloth, only a few have burden over perishing souls in the street, few are concerned with the drug addicts enslaved to hell. So many are dying, so many have not yet heard the gospel. It is my presence that stir...

Vision of a glorious golden crown

I saw a vision this past night, I found myself standing in the field.  The sky was clear despite some little clouds in the east. Somebody who seemed to me like a prophet of God was standing just a few steps away from where I was. and we were both looking up into the sky. Then this prophet told me to look beyond the clouds to see the gift that God have set forth for the faithful. I tried to look but I could not see anything, that's when the H oly Spirit opened my eyes and I could see a very beautiful magnificent golden crown with the Cross on the front face.  It was titling slowly so i could easily observe it from both side. It had a polished golden surface with beautiful golden droplets on the surface. I saw it tilt again as it fades from my sight. end. prepare for the coming of Christ Jesus on absolute holiness and righteousness.

Spiritual Fervor or Frenzied Activity

Not the quantity of zeal matters to God, but the quality. The significant question is not how zealous is the Christian but why is he zealous and to what does his zeal lead? To the church at Laodicea our Lord said, "Be zealous, therefore, and repent" (Revelation 3:19, KJV). The zeal that leads to penitence, restitution and amendment of life is surely dear to God. The ardor that drives a man to his knees in intercession for others was found in men like Moses, Daniel and Ezra; but there is a kind of zeal that gives to the world such misshapen religious examples as Joseph Smith and Mary Baker Eddy. That many Christians in our day are lukewarm and somnolent will not be denied by anyone with an anointed eye, but the cure is not to stir them up to a frenzy of activity. That would be but to take them out of one error and into another. What we need is a zealous hunger for God, an avid thirst after righteousness, a pain-filled longing to be Christlike and holy. We need a...

Looking for that blessed hope

"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Titus 2:13 The Rapture refers to that time when Jesus is going to come, without warning, and take away His church from this earth. After the Rapture, the Lord will pour out His wrath upon this sinful world. There are many pastors who claim an ignorance of the Rapture or say that they are not certain whether it will precede the Tribulation. They say they don't really know where they stand on this issue. I don't believe there is any excuse for not having a position on this issue. We have our Bibles and we're capable of studying this subject thoroughly. I believe that your view of the Rapture will have a significant impact on the success of your ministry. First of all, we know that Jesus promised He would come again. In John 14 we read, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are man...


View blog I saw coming chaos and violence that have never been seen on the face of the earth; So much anarchy and civil unrest. The Lord made me see people in their large numbers on the streets in protest and demonstration. In other places I saw deserted streets as fear and panic grip the hearts of many. And the Spirit imparted in my heart that as they call and say peace peace then suddenly destruction will come among the nations as swift as an eagle. I saw a great unrest as the clouds and rumblings of terror covered the expanse of the sky. He spoke to me in spirit and said, " How terrible will it be after the rapture!" And and I came to my sense still with fear of what I saw in my heart.  The only remedy we have is Christ and the Church of God is in Christ.   Isaiah 48:22 "There is no peace for the wicked," says the LORD.  Ezekiel 7:25 'When anguish comes, they will seek peace, b...

Vision of the Bride finally presented.

This morning, 31october 2015 at 5 am, the Holy Spirit spoke to me in a mighty way. I found myself in a place like a huge sports ground, then the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and I saw a young beautiful Bride finally dressed in long beautiful and glorious wedding gown. Her face was radiant and full of Joy. The moment long awaited for had arrived. It was tremendous joy unspeakable. And I could see the maidens and the flowers girls all exi ted. The spirit spoke to my heart and said, " This is the poor one who lacked everything, now she is adorned with the most expensive garment that no money can buy." to the right side I could see a very long straight road where the bride was to match through. And I said in the vision that the bridegroom must be a wealthy man. I saw so many scrambling to fit in the position of the bride yet all the same they missed the way. end. Precious people, the king is coming and the bride has made herself ready. the whole heaven rejoice...


The True Church I want you to belong to the one true Church: to the Church outside of which there is no salvation. I do not ask where you go on a Sunday; I only ask, Do you belong to the one true Church? Where is this one true Church? What is this one true Church like? What are the marks by which this one true Church may be known? You may well ask such questions. Give me your attention, and I will provide you with some answers. The one true Church is composed of all believers in the Lord Jesus. It is made up of all God's elect  of all converted men and women of all true Christians. In whomsoever we can discern the election of God the Father, the sprinkling of the blood of God the Son, the sanctifying work of God the Spirit, in that person we see a member of Christ's true Church. It is a Church of which all the members have the same marks. They are all born again of the Spirit; they all possess repentance towards God, faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ, and ho...


REIGN OF TERROR IS COMING In the morning of 21 Sept, 2015 at around 5:03 am this morning, the Holy Spirit came to speak with me in a more profound way about a future date event. I found myself in a place in the dream where the Lord presented to me so many people. Then i saw a man a rising from among them. This man changed into a very huge beast that scared everyone, and i saw people running in fear of this man. The man i saw is currently a live and in power. I saw him giving orders and people were being killed. There was brutal murder on those who could not submit to the authority of this man. i saw group of people from different ethnic communities rising against each other with clubs and machetes. They could hack their fellows to death.Then the Lord presented to me one of His end time prophet Dr. Owuor and in the dream, the Lord inspired him to speak to me an he said, " This are the times i have been warning you about." I was really shocked. whatever the Lord wants ...


In the dream, the Holy Spirit came to speak with me in a human form. He came very close to me and called me by my name and He said, " Habert, time is over and very soon the antichrist is  going to be revealed. The world health organization and the world bank are about to take control." And i saw the vision of the name of the antichrist together with his close associates. Then the mighty Holy Spirit imparted in my heart while still in the dream that the word health organization and the world bank will be working as close associates with the antichrist.  the vision ended. Upon waking up,the Holy Spirit imparted in my heart that the world health organization will be in the task of implanting the radio frequency micro-chips containing the details of an individual including the bank account details and other personal data. when buying and selling, the micro-chip will directly and automatically  send messages to the banks to cut money directly from the individual's bank...

Another warning about the imminent Return of Jesus

  The Spirit took me to a place in the dream and told me to behold what was about to happen. And I could see dark huge clouds moving fast in the dark sky. Then I saw the moon and above it there was something so strange, it was another body like the moon. There   were strange signs in the sky and i saw very strange things I don’t know how to describe but they seemed to me like celestial bodies. Then I was taken in spirit to a different; and I was standing out in an open place and as I was standing there, then suddenly   there was a loud blast and in a flash, I saw the heavens opened in an instant and   I saw people snatched into heaven. The Lord opened my eyes and I saw them consumed into the brilliant bright pure   heavenly glory. Then I saw glorious white cloud cover the entry into heaven. And the remaining earth was overcome with darkness. Then I saw so many people in chaos and they were running to and fro screaming and some were exclaiming that indee...


As   the zero countdown continues, it becomes absolutely clear that the time is running out. There is no hope for a better world, the world is not getting any better instead it is getting more dangerous, more scary, more threatening , more hopeless and cold place to live in. This planet we live in is a cursed planet under the effect of sin and there is no coming peace. Human history itself reveals   a long ordeal survival   against   the deadly   and dominating   effects of sin and corruption. And as the world advances technologically, it depreciates both spiritually and morally. This kind of morass is what Jesus Christ predicted two thousand years ago. There is totally no peace and the love of most have grown cold and the world is looking for a peace maker, a fixer, someone   who will once and for all bring peace to all nations, boost world’s economic status and bringing the whole world under one government and leadership. And with that o...