
Showing posts from August, 2014


This past night a dream the Lord spoke to me in a very mighty way. He presented to me the condition of the Church at this hour and I saw the workers complete their construction. I could see people preparing and very fast and the Lord imparted in my heart that the time was due. ( the harvest was ready) and in another vision, He showed a very narrow highway already prepared in the wilderness. I could see dead beasts and wild animals by the side of the high way. Please prepare yourselves in holiness, the Messiah is coming. Be in one on one relationship with Jesus Christ. Give your lives to Jesus Christ Entirely. Walk in righteousness and Holiness. Isaiah 35:1-10 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.   It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the ...


This past night the 12/8/2014, in a very mighty communication with the Lord in the Vision of the night at around 4 am in the morning. The Lord brought to my attention a very tough contention that is coming to ensure the true bride of Christ with other religions and denominations. i was lifted higher to the third heaven and I saw their case before the father. i could see the denominations accusing   the bride of Christ before the father. I saw the father righteously judge the case and He protected his bride. Whoever has an ear, let him hear what the spirit is telling the Churches. Watch!! The Messiah is Coming. Jesus is coming soon prepare the way.


This past night, the 8th of august, 2014. The Lord spoke to me in a very mighty way. I found my self walking along a busy street, then suddenly, I saw this huge cloud that was manipulated to form a huge horse in the sky, then I saw another a very glorious cloud come and settle on this horse. After this spectacular event, then behold writings appeared on the sky, this is what how they read," THIS IS THE TIME TO SINCERELY SEEK THE LORD, I AM COMING ," He also warned the church against the spirit of adultery He wrote for me Mathew 5:27 which condemns adultery across the sky. Isaiah 19:1 The oracle concerning Egypt Behold, the LORD is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt; The idols of Egypt will tremble at His presence, And the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them. Psalms 68:33 Verse Concepts To Him who rides ...


The Lord has allowed me to share with you precious saints about this stunning vision that He gave to me on May 2013, and in this vision, the Lord, the God of Isaac, Jacob and Abraham came to speak with  me in that mighty vision. I found my self walking along a highway and while on my way, my attention was disrupted by a spectacular event that was unfolding slightly above me in the deep blue sky. Even as I was walking, i can remember very clearly that  the earth was in darkness . Suddenly, this glorious body full of light quickly descended just slightly above the clouds and remained suspended in the air. as this was happening, there was a very violent quake that shook the earth, I could see the tombs of those who has died in Christ (in complete holiness and righteousness) split open and then their bodies would lift off the ground to meet this glorious body in the sky. After being gathered together at one point in the sky, that's when I woke up and the vision ended. I saw Chr...